Renewing our insurance is a hassle. Every year you are forced to go through the same annual dance with your provider. You have to fill in lengthy and time-consuming forms, only to discover that the Insurers have beaten you down on cover so you need to go to the next one on the list to compare, and suddenly you’ve tied yourself in a gordian knot of admin and you’re not even sure you’re getting the best deal…
But with Chill, you can avoid all of that. They compare 14 of the best providers so you don’t have to. And you can be confident that you’ll be getting the right cover at the best possible price without any of the usual hassle.
So with this campaign we introduced the Blue-Footed Booby. A living embodiment of that pointless annual dance and the perfect metaphor for the hassle we are forced to endure with our insurers.
Every year, this ridiculous bird returns to the same place and performs the same elaborate annual dance to attract a mate. Sound familiar?
Don’t be like this booby. Talk to Chill instead and avoid the annual insurance dance.